K-State CIS


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The History of Nichols Hall

By K-State Student

Nichols Hall was originally built in 1910, the year after President Nichols retired. Unfortunately, on December 13, 1968 at around 11:15 PM, the bulding was burnt down causing $3.3 million (2012 USD) in damage. Nichols was home to the music department and the only peice that survived the fire was the famous "The Wabash Cannonball." The shell of Nichols Hall stood emtpy until 1983 when a new building was built inside of the original shell.

K-State CIS is Awesome

A CIS Student

if (kstateCIS == awesome) {
   boolean engineeringIsAwesome = true;
if (engineeringIsAwesome == true) {
   boolean k-stateRules = true;

My Cool Project

By me!

This is my really super cool project that I made for the K-State Engineering Open House! I hope you enjoy it!

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